Diabetic encephalopathy

The affiliation of diabetes mellitus with gradually developing end-organ damage to the central nervous system (CNS). This hassle of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes may be noted as “diabetic encephalopathy”. Both microvascular and macrovascular cerebral diseases going on in diabetes and the direct neuronal damage caused by chronically multiplied intracellular glucose concentration are implicated in encephalopathy. However, it stays doubtful to what quantity the neuronal impairment is prompted directly with the aid of an expanded intracellular glucose level. Emerging evidence indicates that the modifications of C-peptide level, improved oxidative stress and consequent oxidative harm the located in hyperglycemic situations and diabetic encephalopathy begins in the mitochondria, that is the primary site of reactive oxygen species production. studies offer sparkling evidence supporting that aside from the vascular dependent mechanisms of brain dysfunction and oxidative and nitrative pressure, C-peptide also exerts a pivotal position in diabetic headaches consisting of encephalopathy.

  • Clinical manifestations of diabetic encephalopathy
  • Possible mechanisms of diabetic encephalopathy
  • Risk factor control and therapies for diabetic encephalopathy